Friday, March 6, 2015

Landscape preview

Overview: Your next major assignment will involve taking photos of Landscapes. Here are some preview things to complete:

Check out this website for some great tips:
Pick your favorite tip and repost it on your blog. Find a photo from google images that exhibits your tip best.


Make a new blog post titled "Landscape Preview."

Post THREE TIPS that you think are important for Landscape photography.

Tip 1:

Tip 2: A scene can change dramatically depending upon the weather at any moment, so choosing the right time to shoot is important

Tip 3:

Pick YOUR THREE FAVORITE photos. Post them on your blog, making sure to give credit to the photographer somewhere.
Make a list of the equipment that is helpful to use to do landscape photography. Use the link below to help you get started. 

  • Post the specific spot(s) where you want to take the photos.
  • Post an example of a photo from that location. 

Where can you go to take these kinds of photos here in the Austin area?
Make a list of places you could realistically take these types of photos.
You could do a Google Maps or Google Earth search maybe?
Landscape Assignment:
Check the link below to download a copy of the Landscape Assignment

Pet Portrait Plan

1. I will shoot pics of my little brother/Chihuahua "Xerxis".
2. My backyard is where the photoshoot will take place, the grass is very clean and the lighting is great.
3. Natural lighting, the sun shines right down on my backyard. Gonna be perfect and better than using the flash.
4. I Will need the camera i borrow from the lab, preferably a tripod, and great lighting.
5. Getting my pet to stay still, he is very hyper and gets really excited when he goes outside.
6. I will give him a treat to eat or have my mom hold him because he listens to her all the time.
7. Similar to this picture, blur out the background