Friday, March 6, 2015

Landscape preview

Overview: Your next major assignment will involve taking photos of Landscapes. Here are some preview things to complete:

Check out this website for some great tips:
Pick your favorite tip and repost it on your blog. Find a photo from google images that exhibits your tip best.


Make a new blog post titled "Landscape Preview."

Post THREE TIPS that you think are important for Landscape photography.

Tip 1:

Tip 2: A scene can change dramatically depending upon the weather at any moment, so choosing the right time to shoot is important

Tip 3:

Pick YOUR THREE FAVORITE photos. Post them on your blog, making sure to give credit to the photographer somewhere.
Make a list of the equipment that is helpful to use to do landscape photography. Use the link below to help you get started. 

  • Post the specific spot(s) where you want to take the photos.
  • Post an example of a photo from that location. 

Where can you go to take these kinds of photos here in the Austin area?
Make a list of places you could realistically take these types of photos.
You could do a Google Maps or Google Earth search maybe?
Landscape Assignment:
Check the link below to download a copy of the Landscape Assignment

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